Maurice Golubov, American (1905 - 1987), began to paint abstract paintings in 1922, at the age of 17, he was oblivious to the fact that anyone else was doing the same thing elsewhere. For the first twelve years of his life, Maurice Golubov existed in a state of disbelief. He heard firsthand, the horror stories of his father being kidnapped as a child and sent to a czarist camp for eight years; In 1915, as a band of refugees, he accompanied his mother and his siblings through eastern Europe, avoiding the atrocities which abounded with the onset of World War I; and he painfully experienced traumatic months when he was unwillingly separated from his family during their flight to the U.S in 1917. Given this understanding of early childhood trauma it is not surprising that Golubov would later use painting as a forum which with to reconcile his thoughts on the spiritual and transcendental in life. Throughout his entire oeuvre Golubov painted both figurative and abstract compositions. Like Cezanne, Kandinsky and Mondrian, Golubov felt that art was a spiritual undertaking.